Streetdance/Hip-hop Beg/Intermediate Volwassenen

Streetdance/Hip-hop Beg/Intermediate Volwassenen

Dinsdag 14 jan, 20:45 UUR
Streetdance/Hip-hop ...
Dinsdag 14 jan, 20:45 UUR
Tianna M.
gegeven doorTianna M.
Dinsdag 14 jan, 20:45UUR
At this class we will start with a general warm up to wake our bodies and get energised. Then we will do some isolation, grooving and bouncing to get us into the flow of street dance. Then we will learn some choreography. In these choreos we will explore different dynamics, moves and features of urban dance. My goal is to share my knowledge, for you to improve your technique and be the most comfortable version of yourself and for us to have fun of course :)

About the teacher:
Hey my name is Tianna and I'm from the UK. Dance has been a huge part of my life ever since I was little. I started training in ballet and then in my teenage years explored more with many other styles including hip-hop and commercial. I graduated in performing arts at university and began working as a back-up dancer, performer and extra for a while. I decided I wanted to start teaching also as it brings me joy to share my passion with others. I like to share my skills and bring people together through dance.

Wladimir Dance Studios
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